
It’s CAHPS® Season

Highmark Wholecare members will be receiving their Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) surveys in early 2024. This survey will assess patient experiences with their healthcare, including overall satisfaction with network primary care providers and specialists like you!

CAHPS surveys are conducted annually in accordance with federal and state requirements. Results of the CAHPS surveys are an integral part of efforts to improve healthcare in the United States and are used to calculate a health plan’s NCQA accreditation score and Medicare Advantage Star Ratings. Additionally, Highmark Wholecare uses its CAHPS results to improve the services we offer and to keep providers informed about our performance and how they can help deliver better care. Results from the 2024 survey and related CAHPS activities will be made available to network providers. Results from the 2023 survey can be found here.

How Providers Are Rated

  • Getting Appointments and Care Quickly - Ease of getting care and appointments as soon as needed and being seen in a timely manner based on appointment time.
  • Rating of Health Care - Scaled rating of personal health care from 0-10 with 10 being the best.
  • Rating of Personal Doctor - Scaled rating of doctor from 0-10 with 10 being the best.
  • Getting Needed Care - Ease in getting timely care, tests, and treatments, as well as appointments with specialists.
  • Patient Conversation and Care Coordination - Includes use of understandable language, respectfulness, listening and awareness of patient’s care from specialists.

How You Can Make a Difference

  • Continue to be the champion of your patients through effective communication and accessibility.
  • Educate patients on how and where to get care after hours.
  • Ask your patients what is important to them.
  • Assist patients with scheduling and coordinating care between providers and specialists.
  • Ensure your patients follow their care plans.
  • Encourage your patients to complete preventive screenings and get their annual flu shot.
  • Ask if patients smoke or use tobacco, advise them to quit smoking, and provide resources.

You are a critical part of our members’ health care experience. We applaud and thank you for continuing to provide excellent care and accessibility!


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